Click on the photo for a full view from our Air BnB apartment |
I am a big believer in visiting a new country (or two) every
year. Looking at the list of South American countries that I had not visited, I
thought I would give Santiago, Chile a try. I contacted a friend of a friend
and did some research and booked an Air BnB for 5 nights for the excellent
price of USD200 for the entire stay.
The flight in was through Lima and was quite long on Avianca
but having access to the lounge there made it easier. I had a nice Pisco Sour
and filled up on potato chips.
President's Staff Office right in front of our apartment |
We arrived very early in the morning and grabbed a cab into
town. The streets were very quiet at 5 am as our taxi took us into the city
centre to our condo a few blocks from the Plaza de Armas. There seemed to be a lot of dogs on the street
but they didn’t seem aggressive or hostile.
Walking around Bella Vista enjoying the street art |
The keys were with the concierge and we got up to the 24
floor corner apartment that had an amazing view of the city. The apartment was a tiny one bedroom but it had everything we needed including a gym a few floors up. It got very cold and we had to use every blanket in the place ... until we found the space heater and then it was fine.
A night time view |
The owner popped by later that morning and gave us a quick
rundown of where everything was. The Mercado Central and the Mercado Vega were
both very close as well as many parks and monuments.
First meal in the Mercado Central. Salmon and a fantastic Chardonnay |
We went for a walk to the Mercados where we had to fight off all
the touts trying to get us to eat in their restaurants and cafe’s. We finally
settled on one on the outer edge of the market that had natural light. We
ordered a bottle of wine and Fatima had the salmon and I had a deviled crab
casserole. Wow, both the wine and the food was fantastic.
Renovated Plaza de Armas |
The centre area was a bit gritty and dirty but better than
most latino centres but the Plaza des Armas had been recently fixed up and it
was great. There were a lot of Haitians who were accepted into Chile after
their bad earthquakes – probably because Chile shares the same natural disasters. We were listening in on them and couldn't tell what language they were speaking.
We met up with Dany, who my friend Mark met when he
travelled through South America in his Xterra. Dany took us to a great local
eatery downtown that was jam packed with office workers during the lunch
Empanada with cheese and shrimp |
He helped us order some of the Chilean greatest hits like a cheese and shrimp fried empanadas. Fatima ordered a nice beef rib soup.
I ordered the
baked corn pie, Pastel de Choclo, and then I ordered the famous Completo.
The legendary Completo. I did NOT ask for extra mayo. |
Imagine, if you will, a hot dog on a large bun packed with an inch of guacamole,
tomatoes, cole slaw and about an inch and a half of whipped mayonnaise! I
actually had the waiter take it back to the kitchen to scrape off half the mayo
... and it was still almost more than I could manage.
Dany, the Big Dog, was served his plate of raw meat. Happily, he shared it with me. |
And Dany, who knows his
shit, ordered the Crudo. A very large plate of chopped raw meet to be garnished
with lime juice, chopped pickles and mayonnaise and served on dry toast. There was lot of Crudo
and I had a couple of big servings of this Chilean steak tartar.
Great produce in the Mercado Vega |
We walked over to the Mercado Vega and picked up a lot of
super fresh produce including asparagus and mushrooms. And we hit a wine store
... with a huge selection and very low prices. I think the average price was
around $5 for good wine and you could get an excellent wine for $10.
Our wines for the week on our balcony |
We posted this picture of our wines on the balcony with the Andes in the background. I soon heard back from an old and very good friend of
mine who, unbeknownst to me, was living in Santiago. We ended up walking
through the Plaza de Armas and into Bella Vista and a big park until we came to
a subway station.
Funky band playing in front of the subway station |
It took a bit to figure it out but we managed to take the
subway a few stops away to Providencia. Our plan was to check out the Costanera
shopping centre and tower before meeting up with our friend Jorge who lived
just down the street. So we emerge from the subway and are surrounded by 3 storey buildings and we can’t
see the tower! Supposedly the tallest building in South America ... it was
nowhere to be found. We asked a few people and the pointed up a small road and
we passed a bunch of street vendors and then, of course, there it was.
View from the Costanera tower |
We took the paid elevator to the top for a magnificent view
of the city. And then we hit the mall and found an H&M that were selling
these great dresses for Fatima for about $7 each and I found a Top Shop and got
some shirts.
Grill master Yoyi |
Then off to visit my friend who had a bunch of great wines
and grilled meat waiting for us. They had a nice balcony terrace where we could
sit, drink wine and smoke cigars until late. Their part of Providencia was full
of nice older apartment buildings with quiet narrow streets to walk.
Jorge informed us that we had two other Cuban friends living
in the city. I probably spent 50 hours playing dominoes with Carlos. We called
him the “professor de dominos” as he liked to show us where we played the wrong
tiles, even if we beat him! He had married a Chilean and moved to Santiago.
Fatima and her ex-samba partner, now head chef, Alexis |
we were told that Alexis, a boyfriend of an old friend of ours, had moved to
Chile to take a job as the head chef of Havana Salsa, a buffet of Cuban food
followed by a floor show. We knew Alexis more as a dancer and was Fatima’s
favourite Samba partner on Stefan’s dance floor in Havana.
Happy times, before almost ruining the evening with a full bottle of Pisco |
We were able to reserve a table and all met up at the venue
in Bella Vista. Jorge had been there before and strenuously warned us that the
floor show couldn’t compete with anything we had seen in Cuba so we weren’t
expecting much. Surprisingly (for Latin America), we were given a discount as
friends of Alexis and bumped fists with various friendly Cubans working there.
Carlos joined us and it was great having three Vedado boys together again in a
foreign city. Kind of like hanging with Kyo and Jorge in Bogota. Vedado boys
get around!
The food was excellent and plentiful. I tried the ropa
vieja, frijoles negros and the cerdo asado. I think we had beer and then
started ordering the pisco. Now Chileans and Peruvians fight over pisco like a
national sport. Most of the Chileans “generously” gave the award for better
pisco sours to Peru but claimed that their straight Pisco was better. As a fan of grappa, I really enjoyed the local verison. And when you order a
pisco in Chile, you get a four finger drink. Ouch.
The not bad show |
So after the many warnings from Jorge, the show starts ...
and it ain’t bad! A few Cuban dancers took the lead and the company was ably
filled out by very professional Chilean dancers. Everyone loved the show and I
could see that this place was a favourite for families and big groups
celebrating special occasions. Service was great and they kept bringing over
more glasses of Pisco.
Fatima and Jorge cutting the rug |
After the show, a DJ played a popular Cuban salsa song and I
encouraged Fatima and Jorge (the best dancer of his size that I know – extra-large
former national fencer for Cuba – specializing in salsa and funk) to get up and
dance and they did the first number on their own. They were soon joined by
dozens of Chileans who clearly came to dance.
Carlos and Fatima on a now crowded dance floor |
Carlos is no slouch himself and
he and Jorge alternated dancing with Fatima which gave me the night off!
After I think 3-4 Piscos and some beers, Jorge came up with the brilliant idea
to order a full bottle of Pisco because it was more economical! I told him we
were already pretty drunk but he insisted and, of course, we finished it. End
of the night, we are in a taxi almost home and Fatima says she left her glasses
at the bar so we head back and find them. But by the time we got home, the
alcohol was hitting my system hard and it was quite a wobbly trip to bed.
After a few days in the centre, we changed apartments and
stayed with Dany and met his wife, the lovely Marisol from Merida and formerly of
Mississauga (small world!), in the Condes area. Traffic was terrible but we had
an entertaining young cabbie from Colombia who taught us that their word for
traffic was “taco”. Lots of taco, everywhere.
Marisol and Mia ... but no cats |
But wow, this area was much newer than both the centre and
Providencia. Much wider streets, good roads, lots of tall glass buildings and
this HUGE park that you could barely see the end of. Condes reminded me a lot
of Toronto. The apartment was very modern and we had a nice room a met the adorable
Mia and the very shy cats.
I had no idea that Santiago was so modern, had a great
subway system, quite a strong rule of law, and very nice people. I think
Chileans like keeping their great city to themselves.
Walking through the Parque Rosario in Condes |
We walked through the area and through the park and large
rose gardens to another mall. Very high end with a Tiffany’s, D&G, Jimmy
Choo, Gucci and LV. We didn’t shop here.
Enjoying my free cup of wine |
But we did hit a fancy sushi fusion
place that was gorgeously designed and had decent food but, shockingly, they
didn’t have a liquor license so couldn’t sell booze. Liquor license? Latin
America? Does not compute. I have never heard of a Latin American establishment
ever needing a license to sell alcohol. Santiago, you are a first for me. But
happily, while they couldn’t sell us wine with lunch, they could give us two
glasses for free! Cheers!
Uni! Wish my Mom was here, it is her favourite. |
On our last day in Chile and we walked through Condes to I
think a German styled seafood place. Wow, what an incredible feast. A platter of
super fresh steamed and raw seafood.
A few plates of cheese gratinada shellfish.
And a big bowl of Uni that probably would have cost over $100 in Japan.
So I had a great time in Santiago and was very happy to
have spent it with Fatima and to have met up with old and new friends. I’ll be back
One of many pictures I took of the nearby tower, all in different shades |
And I was able to go back several months later and stayed
with Jorge this time in their very cool two storey condo in Providencia.
And another in the morning. |
They were just down the street from the Costanero so I took a bunch of photos in its many shades of colours.
In the market looking for ingredients to mak kimchi |
again to the Mercados Central and Vega for veggies. I brought the dried chillies
and gave Jorge lessons on Kimchi making. We took walks in the neighbourhood and
picked up Fabi from his German school in the neighbourhood.
A great view of the Andes from their balcony. |
We met up with Jorge’s wife one day and went to a great
Peruvian restaurant in the neighbourhood. Tons of food and super delicious
With Elizabeth enjoying great Peruvian food |
She is a consul at a European embassy and got us comp'd for ... the Chilean wine festival! In a big downtown hotel, we had to fight
through a lot of traffic to get there. Upon entering, we were given nice big
solid wine glasses. The main room had about 24 vineyards, a food station
handing out delicious amuse bouches for free, and a stage with some folkloric
Drunk happy people. Lots of spit buckets around, didn't see anyone use them. |
We wandered around and sampled many wines. Met one charming wine pourer for one of the giant vineyards who asked where I was from. I said I was living in San Salvador and working in
Havana. We got to talking about Cuba (as Chileans, like every person I have met
in South America, would love to go visit Cuba) and she told me she loved Cuban
cigars. I happened to have some with me so I gave her one and she was very
In the Pisco room |
So wandering around the room, we discovered a doorway and we
go through a short hallway and, wow, discover another room with a Djay playing
music and another 20 vineyards. Then we cross this room into another room with
another Djay and another 20 wine stands. Then we found the espumante room and
then there was a Pisco room with innovative mixologists inventing delicious cocktails.
Awesome Pisco cocktails |
I had a pisco, beer and honey concoction that was quite delicious. The girl I gave the cigar to found me in room 3 and brought me over to a small independent vineyard and had me try some of her favourites there. Very cool.
We ended up
leaving early to meet up with Carlos in Bella Vista for some very good
hamburgers and some craft IPA’s. Probably a good thing we didn't spend all night sampling wines. Then back to Providencia for more wine and
Vedado boys knocking back pints |
Next day we were a bit wobbly but strap on your boots! It is
time for the Santiago Oktoberfest! Imagine one thousand blonde and blue eyed Chileans
with one chino (me) and one mulatto (Jorge).
Buccanero? In Chile? Why? Why not? |
Everyone was very friendly and we
sampled many many beers. We found a Cuban guy repping Buccanero Cuban beer! We
had a few of those with some nice grilled sausages. He said he could get us Caney for a really good price. My favourite rum!
Custom made tray of charcuterie for us. |
Then got a plate of cured
meats. Met up with a bunch of Jorge’s friends for more beers. Very nice people
and we all smoked cigars in the warm afternoon sun.
The view from the restaurant at the top of the hill. |
The icing on this short visit was a day trip to Valparaiso.
The drive out was interesting. Great roads and we must have passed a few dozen vineyards.
We also passed about 500 motorcyclists who were making a mass trip out to the
Ready for a great lunch at Cafe Turri at 147 Templemen |
Valparaiso is a bit of a strange place. Dominated by a small
but very deep water harbour and surrounded by hills, the town was notable for
having giant ships very close to the shore giving the place an industrial
feeling. The area around the harbour has a lot of street vendors and is a bit trafficky
and dirty but after a short walk, we took one of the famous funicular railways
up to the top of the hill.
Funicular tracks. |
We emerged into a charming neighbourhood of
pedestrian friendly streets and walkways. Our number one choice for lunch was
closed but we ended up at an old restaurant famous for its seafood and views. Both were spectacular.
Tuna tartar |
I had the tuna tartar and gratinada scallops and we had
a bottle of Santa Carolina Reserva de Familia.
Cannoli! |
And for dessert, we had Cannolis! Raspberry sauce and spun sugar to boot.
Lots of great street painting |
We walked off lunch by taking
the winding roads down the hill, looking at a lot of excellent graffiti, some impromptu
street theatre, and enjoying the sunny cool day.
No need to fear, just a plastic gun and a Guy Fawkes mask |
Thanks Santiago for another great visit and see you again
next month. Looking forward to more seafood, grilling steaks with Jorge on the balcony, amazing wines, beautiful city-scapes in what is one of my favourite cities in South America.
The view of Valparaiso bay |
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