Hanging out with the cool kids at Cocinero. |
Another week in Havana and another fun trip through the
airport. For some reason, they sent our plane to a gate with a broken bridge so
instead of a quick exit from the front of the plane, we had to deplane from the
back of the plane, down the stairs and onto buses. As it was, we got to the
terminal pretty rapidly as the first busload had to come back to where our
second bus loaded since there were apparently 8 Cubans returning from Ecuador
without their passports. Some of them were in business class and none of them
seemed particularly worried while Immigration officers came onto the bus and
went over their documents.
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Plane, bridge, airport. What am I doing on this bus? |
Then to the airport and my bags came off quite quickly but
my three tags were covered in customs gobbly-gook. Luckily I was sent to the
search line quickly so I was first in line. Unluckily, there were only two
desks opened and both had women returning from Ecuador with the huge bags full
of hundreds of items of clothes. The wait lasted about 40 minutes by which time
there were about 10 people behind me. Three or four were tourists who almost
made it out before being stopped by the mean final customs officer by the exit
doors and sent back for checks. They all went to one of the two desks hoping
for a quick search before being sent into the growing line up behind me. This
being Cuba, the supervisor spotted a couple with a 4 year old daughter and told
a customs officer to man a desk and check them out. After doing so, he went
away again and left all of us still in the line. After being properly seasoned,
the supervisor took me and the guy behind me to an xray machine and ran out
bags through. She asked what I had and I replied “mostly food”. She said okay,
I could go ... and proceeded out of the customs area to be stopped by that
final woman who told me I had to get my bags checked. I explained that I had
just come from the line and the supervisor had xrayed my bags and told me I
could leave. She asked which supervisor and I said the tall blonde woman at
which point they yelled out a conversation across the customs area with the
first woman insisting that I had to open my bags and the other one saying let
him go. And the supervisor won and I was out into the heat and humidity of
My friend Boris was there to pick me up and we stopped at
the first gas station for some beers. This being Cuba, of course there was no
Cuban beer and our choice was Heineken or Becks. Picked up two moderately cold
greenies and off down the road.
Cohen enjoying the dancing girls! |
The week was quite
busy with work and spending time with one of my closest friends, Tracey who had
lived in Havana for about 16 months a decade ago, visiting with her son Cohen.
My first night there, went to the Meson de la Flota to catch the flamenco
company Grupo Ecos. They were excellent as always and the dancers remarked at
how serious but very attentive Cohen was, watching them. Food was pretty good as well with the camarones
el ajillo, garbanzos fritos, and seafood brochettas being the highlights. Then
big fat cigars with lots of Cuban rum of course.
The new brew pub in Old Havana |
Ended up going to the new Salm brewpub on the harbour road
in Old Havana three times. Food was just like the first place in Plaza Vieja,
quite poor but the beer was excellent. It looked like Habaguanex had purchased
a top of the line system worth probably a few million dollars. Won’t take them
long to pay for it since the place was completely full over the 3 hours we
spent there on a Sunday afternoon with a continuous line up running outside.
Claudio cutting me off. |
And very nice to see that the vast majority of people were Cubans. Tourists
will come of course since the place was directly adjacent to the Artisan’s Fair
with their many fine painting vendors. We sat at the bar and found a great beer
maid named Ismary who was super fast with the beers, filled the mugs up nicely,
and always had a friendly smile.
I have heard that the Government intends to move all
commercial shipping to the new Mariel Port and to convert the huge Havana
harbour into a more commercial and tourism oriented area with a marina. Sounds
like a great plan.
Of course the highlight of the trip was eating out in
Havana. I have been kind of against eating at State run places since they don’t
really seem to care but there are exceptions. El Palenque has a new and younger
manager who has been working hard to get the standards back to where they used
to be. Cuba is a communist state so the workers have a lot of rights and
sometimes they just don’t want to work. Palenque is famous for its charcoal
grilled pork which is served chopped up and covered in mojo (a sauce made of
garlic, oil, lime juice and onions). It can be quite delicious, especially when
you specify that you want it cooked and hot. Don’t make the assumption that the
waiter knows this!
The cool outdoor space of BellaCiao |
I hit some of the regular and great paladars. BellaCiao for
the great ravioli y amazing spaghetti arrabiata – the latter was done extra al
dente and extra spciy.
Server of the week - at BellaCiao |
Amazing service as well – very attentive and with a real
authentic smile like she really wanted us to have a nice dinner and was happy
that we enjoyed the food.
Amazing shrimp at a restaurant that I cannot publicly mention. If you want the name, PM me. |
Also went to an Italian restaurant a bit off the beaten path
in Playa. We had a large table of 14 and the owner just sent out one appetizer
after another. An oven baked cheese covered berenjena, asparagus covered in
blue cheese and bacon, beef carpaccio, and the freshest, sweetest shrimps I
have ever had. They were so fresh, in fact, that they were only delivered by
the fisherman after we had arrived at the place. All this was followed by three
kinds of fresh made pasta served family style for all of us to share. I would
tell you the name and location but the people I ate with asked me not to since
they didn’t want to see this place overrun.
Returned to the Litoral on the Malecon. My three friends all
had the small mesa fria – a $7.50 small plate that you could load up with
cheeses, salamis, olives, quail eggs etc
- and that was enough to fill them up.
I had a longish conversation with the waitress about what was their
freshest fish. She said the owner of the restaurant was a fisherman and served
the fish he caught. We settled on a red snapper dish that consisted on a rolled
filet served on a bed of mash potatoes and a pastry wafer with a white wine
sauce. The fish wad delicious ... but the very last end of the fillet had an
ammonia smell which contradicted her claim of freshness. Oh well, I have been
lied to about fish in many many countries.
Old boys night. |
Hung out one night at Las Terrazas on the third floor of the Centro Andalusia and came across an old friend from a decade ago. Erwann from France is back in Cuba and doing some good work. We used to go to Megano for beach volleyball and bbq's and lots of dominoes nights. He is also a great surfer (from Brittany) and taught me how to surf in Santa Maria. After a nice grilled dinner, we retired to the cigar lounge where PJ unearthed a rare bottle of the best white rum produced in Cuba.
Yes, the rum was indeed exquisite. |
One thing I haven’t done in about a year is to have a
dominoes night. We used to have huge parties at Delia’s house with up to 175
people spread out through the house. Live jazz band on the ground floor, salsa
and meringue on the terrace, chill out lounge on the third floor balcony and
the drunks on the roofs with their bottles. We used to order whole roast pigs
and have cases of beer and rum. Then the parties got smaller and smaller and
duller and duller until they were so bad, we had to put them out of their
misery. What happened? We got old and lost our mojo.
So I called up Yeye and said, let’s do a dinner and a small
domino night. The first thing she said? “I am not going to cook dinner!” to
which I replied, “Yeye, I have known you for 18 years, of course I know you
aren’t going to cook.” So Boris and I took off in her car and picked up 4
orders of El Aljibe roast chicken dinner special and a case of beer and a couple
of bottles of rum. We brought our own
large plastic bucket which they filled up with about a gallon of their
delicious black beans. We had specified fresh chicken (not lunch leftovers) and
they insisted that that is what they packed
... but I forgot to specify moist chicken or extra sauce so it was
pretty dry. Mind you, I ate mostly the rice and beans.
Domino! Proximo! |
Very small group at first, just Delia, Boris, Jhonny and
myself. Then Jan came by with his gf, Fito, Victor from Fla and the murderous
pair of Victor and Emanuel who proceeded to destroy everyone at dominoes. They
looked like twins and I was pretty sure that they were communicating
telepathically but they eventually lost. Plenty of food for all and we didn’t
finish the beer or rum despite playing until 4:30 am. Ah, just like the good
old days.
Flying back home I decided to go through Quito and Bogota.
Quito was supposed to be a 5 hour stopover and I was looking forward to
catching a nap in their nice sleeping room … until they announced that all
transit passengers had to clear immigration and pick up their bags. Now does
that make any sense? Was this to save themselves the hassle of having to man
one door for me to go through and one security shift to xray my bag? Yikes.
Okay, immigration seemed amused that I planned to visit their country for 3
hours. Get my bags, xray again and out the door to a cold terminal but at least
a lot of shops were open. Or rather, they were in business but all of the staff
appeared to be lounging together in one of the seating areas.
I knew the check in counter wouldn’t open for a few hours so
I headed outside to spark up a cigar. Luckily I had a few tetraboxes of Cuban
Planchao rum so I cracked one open to sip while I smoked for the next hour. I
have a cigar smoking buddy in Quito and I texted him to come out to the airport
for a cigar and a drink but, alas, it was 1:30 am and he was probably asleep.
Okay, check back in, make it into the lounge, hit the
sleeping room and have a brief rest before boarding the next plane to Bogota. I
have no recollection of that flight but it did land in Bogota and my bags did
come out quickly and my buddy Kyoharu was waiting to pick me up. Kyo’s wife
works for a foreign oil company so he had a security driver who was very nice
and came in very handy when we were out and about.
My friend Mark had recently moved from the funky and bohemian
Candeleria area to Chapinero which was much more centrally located, close to
the places he taught English, and much closer to the Transmillenium public
transport lines. One thing he didn’t know was that the area is called Chapigay
due to the dozens of gay clubs in the area. You could call his immediate
neighbourhood Chapisupergay since there were 4-5 clubs directly below and
around his apartment. Made for noisy evenings but at least there always taxis
around. We went for a walk looking for some beers and everyone was super
friendly and invited us into their clubs even though I said we were straight.
Like doormen the world over, one guy was a big fan of cigars and was chuffed
when I gave him a fresh Habano.
How spicy do you want it? Hot, hotter, or WTF?! |
Mark told me that a friend of his ignited a medium sized
internet storm when he posted an article on the 10 things he hated about
Bogota. I think this is it - https://medium.com/medium-colombia/2a97ffa790e0.
Street meat in Bogota! |
Now I have visited Bogota 4 times in the last few years and
I can say that I really like the city and here are my 10 reasons why:
1. Bogota is a giant, cosmopolitan, busy, noisy, bustling and
active city. Having grown up in Toronto but having lived in the smaller and
quieter Havana and San Salvador for the past few decades, I have really missed
the great urban vibe.
Empenadas, chicharrones, sausage, morcilla y patacones. |
Colombian soup counter. |
Chicken Ajiaco |
2. The food is great, and I am not talking about “international
food” or any lame Latin American fusion bullshit. I am talking about the great
local food like Ajiaco (chicken soup with potatoes and garnished with avocado
and cream), hot crispy and meaty Chicharrones, and Chunchullo which are grilled
beef intestines.
Chunchullos with fresh arepas! |
Not only is all this local food great, but the locals actually
like it! I have been in many countries where the more refined (white) people
won’t eat the local specialities like sopa de patas here in El Salvador. And the
street food is pretty good from the Chorriperros (grilled sausage on a big bun
with fried onions, crispy potatoes and lots of mayo, ketchup and mustard) to
the fresh cooked potato chips. I don’t know how these old guys get chips so
crisp with their tiny pots of oil on their pushcarts but they do – make sure to
ask for the hot ones fresh out of the oil.
A corriente in the Restrepo market. Thick fish soup, then a big ol plate of carbs with corn, yucca, potato, rice, avocado and onions and tender beef in gravy with home made hot sauce. |
And for lunch, there are hundreds of
places selling Corrientes from between $1.50 to $5.00 which consist of a hearty
soup with a plate of rice, veggies and a protein (chicken, beef or a fried
fish) and unlimited fresh juices. Always varied and always interesting.
Bandeja paisa |
And if
you are really really hungry, try tackling a bandeja paisa – a large platter
covered in rice, a bean stew, ground beef, arepas, avocados, fried eggs and hot
chicharrones fresh out of the oil. Oh, and sausages. I went to one place along Carrera 7 and
thought I was hungry and ordered the dish. Barely got through a third of it.
Asked them to pack it up and, outside in the rain, a teenager was asking for
money for food. So I asked him if he wanted the rest of my baneja paisa and he
said yes – asked for a fork and the staff were bemused as I handed over the
food to the kid. Oh, I should mention that there are great hot sauces – if you
want it hot, you will get it hot.
Very excited to be seated in the front row of the Transmilenio Falcon! |
3. The Transmilenio. I know, this is very contentious because
most people hate the system and there are huge demonstrations against them. And
hard for me to say since I have only used it about 6 or 7 times and never had
to wait an hour to get to my bus loading a half a block away or watched the
fourth full bus pass the station. But no system is perfect and it still moves
over a million people a day for less than a dollar a ride and the system was
far less costly to set up than an underground subway system (which, admittedly,
would be better in the long term and which is being looked at now). Using it at
certain times, it is much faster than taking a cab and a pretty interesting
ride. I actually got bounced out of my seat in the very last row of a double
articulated bus (they have triples too) and got about 3 inches of air.
Two of my favourite people - Dani and Gaby, about to dig into Cochinito Pibil pulled pork tacos. |
4. Friendly people who are happy to have a conversation and
aren’t afraid to speak or don’t think they are better than you – a common occurrence
in this region. I have met interesting people in all kinds of places. Stand
beside one of the big bbq restaurants with the big hanging grill over the big
wood fire and the grill man will cut a piece of meat and hand it to you. For
Not sure if Angela is laughing with me or at me. |
5. Great places to hang out from the high end Andres Carne de
Res in Chia to the low end Cuerdas Acero Rock Bar.
After lunch cigars with coffee, rum and live music in Chia. What else do you need? |
The first place took 3 hours
to drive there and back but the food was worth it. The second place, we needed
to use a washroom having drank many pints in the Candeleria BBC and walking
back to Macarena – we bought a beer out of guilt and ended up staying for the
next four hours. They had the video or song of every song we could think of from Elvis to Metallica to MJ and they played them all for us in their 15 seat bar.
On the Transmilenio heading across the city. |
6. Great neighbourhoods and party areas. So so far, I have
stayed in a working class area in the south, in Macarena and now in Chapigay. I
have visited the Zona T party area a few times and have always had a great
meal. Candeleria is funky and bohemian, Parque 93 has numerous places to hang
out and my favourite BBC where I can sometimes smoke a cigar (depending on
which way the wind is blowing), Usaquen with its old colonial buildings (and a
BBC of course), and numerous other places I don’t know the names of.
Simple food at a fancy place in the Zona T |
7. Stuff to buy like leather goods in Restrepo. Now if you know me, you know that
I am a fan of brief cases and shoulder bags. Man bags, satchels, murses,
whatever …. I carry around cigars, cutters, lighters, sunglasses, cell phones,
cameras, umbrellas, and an iPad and this shit won’t fit into my pockets. Much
cheaper than El Salvador, Argentina or Ecudador, Colombia produces very high
quality bags and I just picked up three of them in Restrepo. They wanted 100K,
90K and 80K for the three bags and negotiated a price of 240K pesos which is
about $120. My problem is that everyone sees the bags and wants to have one so
I keep having to buy new ones.
Closing the deal at the jade shop. |
Also, very good jade although good luck trying to buy one. I spent 4 trips trying to find a trustworthy contact and in the end, I just jumped in and started visiting shops. I was looking for a stone for $1,000 and eventually found some that I liked. A bit less than a carat but nice colour, nice clarity but with a lot of occlusions. Had no idea if they had been heat or chemically treated (everyone said that they only used oil) but I did get the price down from the initial $1,600 to $1,000 so I figured that was okay. Then found another place that had a better and bigger stone for the same price. Then went to the washroom at this jewellery centre and was buzzed in by a woman so had to look at her stones. Found one I liked and she let me walk it downstairs to the other dealer where I compared stones. So out of about 20 stones at three dealers, found the one I liked. Still not sure if I got a good deal or if I was ripped off!
A nice selection of beer at a tiny bar. In a car park! |
8. Beer. Oddly with neighbouring Chile and Argentina producing
so much wine, Colombians love their beer. From the local Aguilar and Poker to
the slightly more expensive Club Colombia (clara, roja y negra), to the high
end Apostle and Tres Cordilleros, the beer is excellent. And the best of them
all is the Bogota Beer Company with their 19 (and growing) locations. I think I
have been to about 8 of them and the draft beer is awesome.
9. Modern and efficient airport and really cheap taxis!
Visiting Toronto, the thought of taking a taxi from downtown (say a club a John
and Richmond) to my folk’s condo at Yonge south of Finch, makes me physically
ill. That ride would probably cost $50 which is a weeks pay in El Salvador (and
2 months pay in Cuba). In Bogota, you can take a cab for a half an hour through
half the city and it will still be less than $10. And a ride to the airport is
about 25K pesos or $12.50. Awesome.
Ivonne looking particularly fetching trying to unload food off her plate. |
10. Women. Hope this doesn’t come across as sexist but there are
many beautiful women in Colombian and of all shapes and sizes and colouring. I
sometimes would see the most stunning woman walk by or working as cashiers at the supermarket. I should say that there are
also a lot of good looking guys – something that isn’t true of every country in
the region. Sometimes the DNA mix works … and sometimes it doesn’t.
So that is my list of the top ten reasons I think Bogota is
a great place. I look forward to visiting again and again to drink the beer,
eat the food, and to hang out in a great city.